I love you word is hysterical word for me when I was in my teenage, I am too far from this word, at the time of my nonage ,I thought that it was a bad word and that was no value in this word, because my nonage surroundings are like that I am not get this kind of feeling towards any person ,I never ever have any idea that love is not bad word, Love is a special feeling we love our parents, we love our family, we love our child and also we love our friends but when it comes to love unknowing person I thought that it was wrong but if it was wrong then why our parents told us to marry un knowing person, they teach us it was wrong in our nonage, but one day they told to marry with unknowing person only and teach us love him more than everything ,same parents teach us two kind of thoughts about love, on 21–01–2022 I realize the real value of this word, How much pain is in this word, some people are waited many years to say this word, and someone stores in their heart and locked it without telling to their loved once or may be they don't get chance to convey their feelings towards them, recently I meet some people like who are waiting from many years to tell I love you to their loved one, I don't want to mention their names so I am not sharing their names but after meeting them my perception towards love is changed, I am in shock that these kinds of people also around us, as of my knowledge if any one does not care me or not talk to me, if I know that I am not important to them, I am not first priority to them, then definitely, I never care such people, but knowingly how people loves them madly its surprises me after meet such kind of people who loves madly knowingly their love is not accepted by that person , Now a days love is time pass for most of them but some one is like that, they feel that with very happy, they think that if they are not with them also no problem their loved once will be very happy in their life, they think that much towards them who never cares to them so how luck of their life partners, how much care they can take to their partners, I regret my self I am not get such kind of beautiful feeling towards any one and, if I love some one this much and have to stay away with them that was impossible for me, but many people do like this ,I respect salute and lots of love to those people who I met and thank you so so much for helps me to realize the true Love and also who are in this world like this all of them ,heartfully saying my special tanks because lot of people think love is time pass in this scenario these people prove the value of true love.
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