“A Minute” is equal to 60 seconds, which is 9,192,631,770 decimals According to physiology, a human thinks 50 thoughts every second, which implies one thought every second.
That means humans can take any one proper decision within one second, in 60 seconds human can take 60 decision s ,human mind has that much capacity to think, and human has that much power in his thinking A computer also not beaten humans mind in thinking, so human has that much capacity to take the right decision in the right time
According to me, no person wants to do anything wrong to another human, yet “A Minute” rage or “A Minute” lack of thinking might cause a human to do anything wrong without even realizing it, “A Minute” thought can improve healthy relationships; “A Minute” thought can grow a person; and “A Minute” thought can shift a person’s mind from negative to positive; “A Minute” thought can prevent a human from becoming a Criminal; one-minute thought can prolong the life of a victim.
Humans have really good thoughts, which is why we say humans have humanity. If humans think for “A Minute” before doing something bad to another or saying something wrong to another, no one will do anything wrong to another human because no one wants to become a bad human; no one wants to ruin their life. If we improve one habit, thinking for “A Minute” before doing or speaking, there will definitely be no criminal in this world and no one hurts people each other.
"Think one minute before any act no one hurts anyone, and no one does any mistake "in their lives and every human takes the right decision at the right time if they think "A MINUTE", Spend time to think "A MINUTE" to say or do anything wrong towards anyone, Definitely you never hurt anyone because the human has humanity no one wants to hurt anyone.
"Think A MINUTE before doing wrong towards anyone no one has done a mistake because your thinking saves you to do wrong action because you are human and you definitely take the correct decision in a minute that is the reason we are called humans "
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